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GOOD News! about Afghanistan

There is sufficient bad news about Afghanistan in the media - here you will find some GOOD NEWS about Afghanistan
  • Nangarhar University has completed the construction of a large (and beautiful) new building (donated by the Government of Pakistan) for the Faculty of Engineering on it's Jalalabad campus. In addition, the fiber-optics cable form Peshawar/Pakistan to Kabul runs close to the campus. It is reported that the Nangarhar University campus will be connected as soon as in April 2010 to the fiber-optics cable and provide significantly enhanced Internet connectivity to students and faculty. The planning of a campus back-bone network is under way.
  • Nangarhar University has opened a new computerized language lab (donated by the La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary Club) with about 25 seats on its Jalalabad campus.
  • Ruhruniversity Bochum/Germany again has graduated about twenty alumni from Afghan universities (Master's Degree) who will return to Afghanistan in February 2010. They will join other RUB alumni here in Afghanistan and work as professors in different Faculties of Economics at Afghan universities.
  • Herat University makes progress in setting up its new and quite impressive campus.
  • Balkh University makes progress in setting up its new campus and expects to start using the first buildings later in the summer 2010.
  • The Regional Hospital Project in Mazar-e-Sharif is completed and the people in Mazar have got a large and modern helath care facility now.
  • The Teacher Training Center in Mazar-e-Sharif (capacity: 4.000 students) is completed and is upgrading the skills of Afghan teachers.
  • There is a shelter for mistreated women and their children in Mazar-e-Sharif for quite a while now.
  • The Faculty of Economics at Kabul University got two brand-new computer rooms for its students (about 70 seats).
  • Balkh University in Mazar-e-Sharif has a 9 Mbit/s Internet connection available now (donated by NATO). Student dormitories will be connected to the Internet (WLAN) and students will be able to use bandwidth which is not required by the university (evening and night, public holidays etc.).
  • The new and (quite impressive) airport terminal building at Mazar-e-Sharif's airport is nearly done. Hopefully Mazar-e-Sharif Airport will develop into an international hub for Central Asia.
  • There will be an OpenSource Awareness Workshop (sponsored by NATO) in Kabul in September 2012 to make managers of Afghan public administration aware of the benefits of utilizing OpenSource systems in their institutions.

Afghanistan's Cricket Team qualifies for ICC World Twenty20 tournament

Afghanistan's first rock group: Kabul Dreamers


last change: Thursday 10.5.2012 author: Wolfgang Finke
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